Introduction and Purpose
"With birth comes the guarantee of death, so guess what if you're living you're dieyen; have empathy." -dieyen
I've recently become an alumni to California State University, San Bernardino with two degrees in Art. One bachelors focusing on the history of art, and the other concentrating on art education and visual studies.
"Saver" 2009
Since I was young I have had a deep interest in the idea of making art and being an artist although I knew nothing of what it meant. My perspective was limited to 2D forms of art, as it typically is in the formative years of life. I was inspired by local street art in the suburbs of east L.A. and thus began by writing my name and the names of friends, and girls I might of liked in block lettered fashion. This was in middle school and by the time high school rolled around I felt moderately confident in my craft. My senior art teacher essentially allowed me the freedom to create what it was I desired as long as I incorporated, to any degree mind you, what he had taught in class, which, to be entirely honest, was never much. He spent much of his time as a teacher high on some kind of pain killer since he always seemed to be in recovery from an injury; from skateboarding accidents to jumping off the second story of a building. The man was quite eccentric to say the least and he was the first role model I had for what one could consider an "artist" although he wasn't a very good role model.
Graphic collage from the year 2011
I decided upon entering college that my interest in art may best earn me a living through the practice of graphic design, yet I had no legitimate ideas as to what a graphic designer might do, other than operate a computer. I quickly learned, however, that I hated sitting in front of a computer trying to follow its rules in order to create my vision, and also I found myself too heavily contaminated by the internet and pop culture to creature anything original through PhotoShop. Thus after two years of wasted time I decided that learning the history of art may best feed my desire to become an artist and point a direction that has yet to be taken. Some how I knew innovation is what would set me apart in the art world, and regardless of the idea that "there's nothing new under the sun," I had an innate feeling that I would somehow find something that no one had done the way I would do it.
In the winter of 2012 I found myself in a very low state. I had poor grades, little motivation and absolutely no passionate direction in life. This is where the subject of "Whole Brain Power" and the topic of applied neuroscience entered my life. The man who changed my life is Michael J. Lavery and a post focusing solely on this transformation may days to write. So just know, because of this man's book and his mentor ship, I went from 0 to hero in just four years (my own hero by the way). This man's influence has definitely shaped my career and I'm proud to name him as a role model. Much of my final college years were dedicated to teaching the things I learned from Mr. Lavery, and in that time I managed to raise over $10,000 in grants to teach the course at the college level.
Aside from teaching, I have given conference presentations on whole brain power, as well as art history focused on concept and philosophy; I created much new art in many different mediums from 2D work, to wood and ceramic sculptures, to finally heavily conceptual work in performance, social engagement and public art. I even worked for a year and a half for the accredited museum, Roberts and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art, learning how to properly maintain and prepare a gallery space, to managing collections and handling very delicate ancient objects from Egypt, including a mummy hand I once partially unwrapped. I also had the opportunity to solely curate my own art show, and give a performance in a gallery with a great turn out in attendance.
So I find myself here writing to a potential audience who may have little to no interest in me, and even less motivation to finish reading my posts, but I'm optimistic.
I am here to share my purpose. As an art historian I have many opinions and wish to share them. Firstly for my own sake, it is valuable to reflect on your own ideas and hear or read first hand how ridiculous or legitimate they might be. Secondly, I would like to share my creative workings publicly so perhaps any inspirational content I contain may be let out into the world for others to benefit from.
I'm new to the blog game but I believe it will be a wonderful outlet for my inner dialogues. I hope to make new connections with other art enthusiasts and that my efforts may trigger discussions on art and its many forms.
All the best,
DIEgo irigoYEN